
Quote- Prince Should Have Only One And Idea In Mind...

quote- prince should have only one and idea in mind...

Quotes About Liberal Arts Education, Authentic Learning, and What Academy Life Should Emphasize

There is indeed the university's primary task, the fundamental work upon which all the other services depend.  That primary task, that fundamental work is Scholarship…in the study and the classroom, it is research and teaching.

Wendell Berry

    The predicament of literature within the university is not fundamentally different from the predicament of any other discipline, which is not fundamentally different from the predicament of language.  That is, the various disciplines have ceased to speak to each other; they have become too specialized, and this over-specialization, this separation, of the disciplines has been enabled and enforced by the specialization of their languages.  As a result, the modern university has grown, not according to any unifying principle, like an expanding universe, but according to the principle of miscellaneous accretion, like a furniture storage business.

The thing being made in a university is humanity.  
Underlying the idea of a university—the bringing together, the combining into one, of all the disciplines—is the idea that good work and good citizenship are the inevitable by-products of the making of a good—that is, a fully developed—human being.  This, as I understand it, is the definition of the name university.

Daniel J. Boorstin

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance—it is the illusion of knowledge.

Stratford Caldecott

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Wendy Paris

Symptoms of our educational crisis, such as the fragmentation of the disciplines, the separation of faith and reason, the reduction of quality to quantity, and the loss of a sense of ultimate purpose, are directly related to a lack of historical awareness on the part of students. An integrated curriculum must teach subjects, and it must teach the right subjects, but it should do so by incorporating each subject, even mathematics and the hard sciences, within the history of ideas, which is the history of our culture.

The classical 'Liberal Arts' tradition of the West once offered a form of humane education that sought the integration of faith and reason, and that combined the arts and the sciences, before these things became separated, fragmented, and trivialized.

Christopher Dawson

The spirit of Christian humanism finds expression in Alcuin's own letters to Charles the Great: 'If your intentions are carried out,' he writes, 'it may be that a new Athens will arise in France, and an Athens fairer than the old, for our Athens, ennobled by the teaching of Christ, will surpass the wisdom of the Academy.  The old Athens had only the teachings of Plato to instruct it, yet even so it flourished by the seven liberal arts.  But our Athens will be enriched by the gift of the Holy Spirit and will, therefore surpass all the dignity of earthly wisdom'.

Albert Einstein

The value of an education in a liberal arts college is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think something that cannot be learned from textbooks.

Joseph Epstein

In academic life, in my experience, there is no real conversation; just various people awaiting their turn to hold forth.


Bring a 'scholar' to a party: he will disrupt it either by his gloomy silence or his tedious cavils…Drag him along to a public festival: his face alone will be enough to put a damper on people's gaiety…If he joins a conversation, everyone suddenly clams up.  

Henry Fielding

A true knowledge of the world is gained only by conversation.

Mark C. Henrie

The history and the texts must be approached as disclosing the pattern of a civilization, the highest of human temporal achievements.  The history and the texts must be understood as aids pointing beyond themselves to the true object of our interest—the truth of things.

The end of liberal education is the health of the mind.

It is probably better to say that the end of a liberal education is to civilize man.

Hugh of St. Victor

It is in the seven liberal arts, however, that the foundation of all learning is to be found.

Out of all the sciences…especially selected seven to be mastered by those who were to be educated.  These seven they considered so to excel all the rest in usefulness that anyone who had been thoroughly schooled in them might afterward come to knowledge of the others by his own inquiry and effort rather than by listening to a teacher.  For these, one might say, constitute the best instruments, the best rudiments, by which the way is prepared for the mind's complete knowledge of philosophic truth.  Therefore they are called by the name trivium and quadrivium, because by them, as by certain ways (viae), a quick mind enters into the secret places of wisdom.

Robert Hutchins

The aim of a liberal education is excellence.

Craig W. Kallendorf

The early humanists were thus reformers of a special kind: not the kind who want to reform institutions, but the kind who want to leave institutions mostly in tact while improving the quality of the human material that directs those institutions…The great tool for this transformation of mankind was classical education: the canonical works of classical literature, which because they had such desirable effects were called bonae litterae ('good letters') or litterae humaniores ('more humane letters').  They were letters that made you morally better and more civilized.

Russell Kirk

The function of liberal learning is to order the human soul…it emancipates the mind from every narrow provincialism, whether of egoism or tradition,…
By 'liberal studies' we mean an ordering and integrating of knowledge for the benefit of the free person—as contrasted with technical or professional schooling, now somewhat vaingloriously called 'career education.'

Liberal learning enables those who benefit from its discipline to achieve some degree of harmony within them.

The function of liberal education is to conserve a body of received knowledge and to impart an apprehension of order to the rising generation.

When I say that we experience an increased need for truly liberal learning, I am recommending something to leaven the lump of modern civilization—something that would give us a tolerable number of people in many walks of life who would possess some share of right reason and moral imagination; who would not shout the price of everything, but would know the value of something; who would be schooled in wisdom and virtue.

Peter Kreeft

One of the functions of the teacher is to raise the dead, to make their authors present. How? Not by doing anything to the authors, but to the readers: by getting the students to read the great books as their authors intended them to be read, namely actively, questioningly, in dialogue with the author, who will speak to them from beyond the grave or from a distance if, and only if, the reader asks the right questions, the logical questions. The reader may thus get the alarming sense that he is being haunted by the ghost of the writer. A great book, properly read, becomes not just a dead object but a living subject, a person, or the ghost of a person.
As arms, legs, hands, hearts, brains, lungs, and all the other body parts make a single human body—and as the plot, characters, setting, theme, and style make up a single story—all these subjects in the curriculum make up a single thing: an education, an e-ducare, a leading-out and leading-up into the light. It is a change, like an operation or a birth: a change in the student. It is a change from darkness to light, from small mind to large mind, that is, from ignorance to knowledge, and (much more important) from folly to wisdom.

Peter Leithart

Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes that all is vanity, and this vanity encompasses the making of and devotion to books. Devotion to liberal arts is no more vain than any other human pursuit, but neither is it any less vain. But though vanity and vapor, it is the labor that God has set in our hands, whether for a time or for a lifetime. And we can enjoy it in Him and enjoy Him in it.                                                                                                           

Knowledge can puff us with pride, but if it is received rightly, a liberal education inculcates at least one virtue: the master virtue of humility.

Robert Littlejohn and Charles T. Evans

Successful implementation of a liberal arts curriculum requires faculty who are invested in the tradition and who can envision the benefits for themselves and for their students.  The more familiar we teachers are with these disciplines, the more capable we are of teaching ways that promote the goals of wisdom and eloquence.  Still despite the attractiveness of the proposal, adopting new and unfamiliar perspectives on our vocation is an intimidating prospect.

Rhabanus Maurus


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